Hush™ 14 Série

Hush™ 14 Série

Bouchons d'oreille à usage unique, NRR 33

HUSH™ 14 series earplugs come with the highest Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) for maximum protection. They are made of soft, low-pressure foam for the most comfortable user experience. Their bullet shape fits easily in the ear canal, allowing them to seal gently and snugly without pressure. ANSI S3.19 – 1974 and CE EN 352-2 certified.

  • Available with and without cord
  • Bright red colour for high visibility
  • Tapered bullet shape that fits the ear canal easily
  • Uncorded version compatible with 50-60 dispenser
  • Made from soft PU foam for superior fit and comfort
  • Highest Noise Reduction Rating of 33 for maximum protection
  • Each pair is packed in individual polybags to maintain hygiene levels
Commandez votre échantillon gratuit
50-14COne SizeRouge fluoMousse de polyuréthane (PU)Cordon
50-14One SizeRouge fluoMousse de polyuréthane (PU)Sans cordon
50-14ROne SizeRouge fluoMousse de polyuréthane (PU)Sans cordon
Item#Packaging ConfigurationUPC
50-14C100 Paires x 20 Boîtees = 2,000 Paires Par Cas628670531091
50-14200 Paires x 20 Boîtees = 4,000 Paires Par Cas628670531084
50-14R500 Paires x 10 Boîtees = 5,000 Paires Par Cas628670531060